Cafe Royal coffee Europe

49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe
49691 - Cafe Royal coffee Europe



Cafe Royal coffee Europe

Item number: 49691

Café Royal Coffee offer (Swiss brand)
The stock is on 51 pallets – but fits into one truck (as some are double stacked)
BBE are 12/2023 (Extended)
Total: 40 000 units
Retail value: 350 000 EUR
Price take all: 75 000 EUR
EXW Europe

Additional information:

More pictures and packinglist More pictures and packinglist here

Price: 75000.00 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.