Lowes Tool Loads USA

60668 - Lowes Tool Loads USA
60668 - Lowes Tool Loads USA
60668 - Lowes Tool Loads USA

Lowes Tool Loads USA

Item number: 60668

Lowe's Tool Loads
Ref # 1
24 Pallets
958 Units
Value: 66 072.84$
Price take all: 14 900.00$

Ref # 2
21 Pallets + 3 Unmanifested
679 Units
Value: 51 870.66$
Price take all: 12 900.00$

Ref # 3
21 Pallets + 3 Unmanifested
675 Units
Value: 51 595.02$
Price take all: 12 900.00$

Ref # 4
22 Pallets
Price take all: 10 400.00$

Additional information:

Packinglist here.xlsx Packinglist here

Price: 10400.00 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.